run-time error
when you run the code, some non-spelling errors occur, for example:
divide by zero error
// output: Division by ZERO
array bounds
arr = [1]
arr[8] // try to read the element with index 8, but the length is actually only 1
// output: reflect: slice index out of range
Go native error
is calling Go standard library, third party When the library is used, there will be many methods that return the value as [Result …, error message], for example
// Go Standard Library-String conversion integer method
in Go , The signature of the above method is
package strconv
func Atoi (s string) (int, error) (
The return value contains int and error types, and the result returned by Z1h is an array :
res = strconv.Atoi (" NaN ")
// Output: [0, {"Func": "Atoi", "Num": "NaN", "Err": {}}]
At this time, you can check whether the [1] th parameter is empty Check if an error is thrown, if it is empty, then [0] is the desired result
res = strconv.Atoi (" NaN ")
if (res [1]) {
print ('An error has occurred:', res [1] .Error ())
} else {
print ('got the answer:', res [0])
- You can try to replace" NaN "with" 123 "in the above example *
Throw An error
occurs. When the code runs somewhere, you need to forcibly interrupt the subsequent operations and pass the error information up, you need to throw an exception
-call the panic function to throw an error -when you call the assert method, the parameters passed in If there is an error, the error will also be thrown.
Example of
panic usage
panic ("Bye")
print ("will not be executed here")
// Output: Panic at call func:Bye
The use of the assert
print ("Here will not be executed")
// The first line will output 123
// The second line will throw an error
// The third line will be interrupted by the second paragraph, will not be executed
Error In the
Z1h language, you can use the try {...} catch (e) {...}
code block to uniformly catch the thrown exception
as follows, catching the exception of the string conversion integer and processing
var str = "Not a number"; // Can be replaced with "888" Try
var num = assert (strconv.Atoi (str));
print ("Get the number:", num);
} catch (e) {
print (`String $ {str} is not a valid integer: $ {e.Error ()}`);