

There are 3 ways to declare a string:

Symbol Special instructions Example
Single quotes The number of characters in single quotes cannot be 1 , Can't wrap
double quotes" can't wrap "Hello"
backquotes (float) \ ` can wrap, you can use $ {} to concatenate variables or expressions name = \ World \; print (\ Hello $ (name) \)


// When there is only one character in single quotes, it will be declared as type rune (int32) instead of string type 
print (type ('a'), 'a') 
// output int32, a 
print (type ('aa'), 'aa') 
// output string, aa 

// backticks` is very suitable for multi-line or need to splice variables 
print ( 
`This is the first line 
This is the second line 
This is the third line` 

name = 'zwr' 
age = 26 
print (` Name: $ (name) 
Last year $ (age-1) year`) 

Built-in objects

Name Description Example
len / length Get the number of bytes "Hello" .len // 6
rlen / slen / strlen Get the number of characters "Hello" .strlen // 2
bytes Get the byte array "You". bytes // output base64
runes / chars of byte array get character array "you" .chars // [20320]
i / int convert to integer "10" .i + 3 // 13
f / float convert Into floating point type "3.14" .f / 2 // 1.57

built-in method

name description example
find find, can be regular '2019 12 19th'.find (\ \\ d {1,} \) // ["2019", "12", "19"]
findall Regular search for matching details '2019Y 12M 19d'.findall(`(\d{1,})(.)`) // [["2019Y", "2019", "Y"], ["12M", "12", "M"], ["19d", "19", "d"]]
contains contains, can be regular (the second parameter true is to open regular) "abc" .contains ("bc"); "abc1" .contains (\ \ d \,true)
test Check for regularity "aaa" .test (\ \\ w \\ w \\ w \)
split split, can be regular "a1b2c3d" .split (\ \\ d \)
indexOf Find characters from left to right, return -1 when not found "abc" .indexOf ("b")
lastIndexOf Look for characters from right to left "abc" .indexOf ("b")
trim Remove blank characters at the beginning and end "abc" .trim ()
toLowerCase Convert to lower case "ABC" .toLowerCase ()
toUpperCase Convert to uppercase "abc" .toUpperCase ()
substring Intercept part of the string "abc" .substring (1,2)
charCodeAt Get a rune value of a bit "Hello" .charCodeAt (1)
startsWith Does it start with a string "abc" .startsWith ("a")
endsWith Does it end with a string "abc" .endsWith ("a")
replace Replace, can be regular "a1b22c" .replace (\ \\ d \, 'xxx')
join Splice an array together "-" .join ('you', 'ok', 'ah')